Oscar Isaac
Movie Actor
Birthday Birthday : 1980-01-05

birthplace birthplace : Guatemala
Birth Sign Birth Sign : Capricorn
Age Age : 44

Many people wonder about Oscar Isaac Height and Weight 2016, size, body statistics and measurements. Oscar Isaac is an American Movie actor who’s best known as Vanessa Scott on My Wife and Kids, she is Donna Summer’s daughter. So how much does Oscar Isaac weigh in 2016? How tall is Oscar Isaac? Oscar Isaac Size, and body measurements? How much is Oscar Isaac Height?

Oscar Isaac is a Guatemalan Movie actor, his birthday is on January 5, 1980 in Guatemala, his birth sign is the Capricorn and her birth name is Oscar Isaac Hernandez.
Oscar Isaac has been popular for his leading role in the film Inside Llewyn Davis for which he won over 15 award nominations
Oscar Isaac started his career as Francesco in the film All About the Benjamins in 2002
Oscar Isaac parents are Maria and Oscar Gonzalo Hernández-Cano
Oscar Isaac graduated from Juilliard School
Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac are friends
Oscar Isaac’s girlfriend is Carey Mulligan

Oscar Isaac starred in several films (filmography)
En Sabah in X-Men: Apocalypse with James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, Nicholas Hoult,Jennifer Lawrence, and Evan Peters
Poe Dameron in Star Wars: The Force Awakens with John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker.
Nathan in Ex Machina with Alicia Vikander, Domhnall Gleeson, Sonoya Mizuno, Symara A. Templeman , and Elina Alminas.
Jack in Mojave with Garrett Hedlund, Mark Wahlberg, Walton Goggins, Louise Bourgoin, Fran Kranz, Dania Ramirez, and Matt L. Jones.
Abel Morales in A Most Violent Year with Jessica Chastain, David Oyelowo, Alessandro Nivola, Albert Brooks, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Ashley Williams, Elyes Gabel and Jerry Adler.
Rydal Keener in The Two Faces of January with Viggo Mortensen, Kirsten Dunst, Yigit Ozsener, Daisy Bevan, and David Warshofsky.
Laurent LeClaire in In Secret with Jessica Lange, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Felton, Matt Lucas, Shirley Henderson, Mackenzie Crook , and John Kavanagh.
Llewyn Davis in Inside Llewyn Davis with Carey Mulligan, John Goodman, Garrett Hedlund, F. Murray Abraham, Justin Timberlake

Oscar Isaac height in feet and cm:
Oscar Isaac height is 6 FT or 183 cm like Robert Pattinson the British Actor, Edi Gathegi, James Denton, and David Boreanaz the three American actors

Oscar Isaac weight in Pounds/lbs and KGs:
Oscar Isaac weight is 180 lbs or 82 kg

Oscar Isaac Body statistics
Oscar Isaac Eyes color: Brown
Oscar Isaac Hair Color: Black
Oscar Isaac Bra size: not available
Oscar Isaac Shoe size: 10
Oscar Isaac Breasts-Waist-Hips: not available
Oscar Isaac Chest size: 37 in
Oscar Isaac Biceps Size: 14 in
Oscar Isaac waist size: 30 in

Pictures and Photos of Oscar Isaac:
Oscar Isaac with Ryan Gosling
Oscar Isaac Weight and Height, Size | Body measurements Oscar-10

Llewyn Davis with Oscar Isaac at Cannes
Oscar Isaac Weight and Height, Size | Body measurements Oscar_10


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